The mobile application used two public APIs, Yummly and Edamam, to implement the necessary nutrition tracking functionality, and provide the user with detailed nutrition information and recipe features. The choices of which mobile application technologies to use for this task were based on the requirement specification and a technical review of web, hybrid and native mobile applications and their associated technologies and programming languages. A fully functional mobile application prototype was developed. A focus group with 8 participants and a usability analysis of MyFitnessPal’s mobile application were conducted to identify specific requirements for a nutrition tracking mobile application and evaluate an existing solution. This dissertation investigated the perceived barriers of adopting a vegetarian diet, and how these barriers can be removed by using a mobile application.

RWD is discussed in detail with respect to present scope and finally a debate is presented on future trends in RWD, and proposed future enhancements which show how responsiveness can be further extended to meet with complete user needs in the light of content and context This monograph discusses the factors that reasoned the Responsive Web Design (RWD). But being device agnostic is only the first milestone towards responsiveness. This means a single Responsive Website is now sufficient to serve all device sizes. Thanks to Ethan Marcotte for inventing the technique of Responsive Web Design by which developers can now produce device agnostic websites which respond, with respect to their layout and content presentation, on all kinds of device resolutions without requiring any special modifications. These high-tech devices and gadgets have placed the web designers and developers to serious issues of user experience and accessibility.

tablets, mini laptops medium devices like laptops, desktops and large devices like new age TVs, LEDs, and projector screens capable of accessing websites have changed the approach towards website design and development. mobile phones, smartphones small devices i.e.